Newsletter  |  June 2024

                                                    ☀  JVL Wildcat Monthly Newsletter: JUNE 2024  

                                                                  ~ HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! :) ~

"I am no longer accepting the things I can not change. I am changing the things I can not accept."   ~ Angela Davis

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The following Wildcats attended classes at least 80% of school days in May:

Aguilar, Isaiah
Bennett, London
Card, Sy
Castagne, Adriana
Cordero, Joseph
Espinosa, Dilan
Fenton, Justin
Garcia, Jasmin Celest
Hernandez, Angelina
Ledward, Marciela
Lewis, Antoine
Matos, Aidan
Mondesi, Angelica

Neri, Fabian
Nicholas, Isaiah
Richardson, Revin
Rodriguez, Daisy
Rollins, Howard
Thomas, Isiah
Thompson, Shemar
Tomoney, Tahshawn
Williams, Anai
Williams, Neveah

Instagram Post Highlight

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How A Negative Environment Can Take a Toll on the Mental Health of the LGBTQ Community

By Brian Mastroianni
Healthline, May 2024

The article discusses the findings of The Trevor Project's 2024 National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People, highlighting significant factors that affect their mental health and suicide risk. Key points include:

  1. Increased Suicide Risk: LGBTQ+ youth face higher suicide risk due to societal stigma and discrimination, not inherent traits related to their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  2. Survey Participation and Findings: Over 18,000 LGBTQ+ youth (ages 13 to 24) participated in the survey, revealing that 39% seriously considered suicide in the past year, with 46% of transgender and nonbinary youth considering it.
  3. Impact of Political Climate: 90% reported negative impacts on their well-being due to politics, and many considered moving to different states due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws.
  4. Bullying and Mental Health: 49% of youth experienced bullying, correlating with higher suicide attempts. 50% who wanted mental health care couldn't access it.
  5. Affirming Environments: Youth in accepting communities had lower suicide attempt rates. Only 40% found their homes affirming.
  6. Minority Stress: Youth with intersecting marginalized identities, such as being a person of color, faced higher suicide risks.
  7. Support and Community: Creating supportive spaces at home and school, and connecting with resources like GLAAD and GLSEN, can reduce negative impacts and support mental health.
  8. Political Influence: National politics, especially laws against gender-affirming care, heavily affect LGBTQ+ youth, increasing stress and negative outcomes.
  9. Call to Action: The survey advocates for legislative changes, supportive school policies, and increased community support to improve the well-being of LGBTQ+ youth.

Affirming environments, supportive communities, and proactive policies are critical when addressing the mental health crisis among LGBTQ+ youth.


Curious what's happening in NY schools? You can read more here.


Resource of the Month:

GLSEN is a national network of educators, students, and local chapters working to ensure that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education.

GLSEN's research and experience has shown that there are 4 major ways that schools can cultivate a safe and supportive environment for all of their students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. These Four Supports are the focus of GLSEN’s programs, advocacy, research, and policy work.

1. Activating supportive educators who are needed to create LGBTQ-inclusive classroom environments.
2. Advocating for inclusive and affirmative curriculum, which not only offers support to LGBTQ students but raises the awareness of their pears and people around them as well.

3. Passing and implementing policies to ensure that all LGBTQ students can learn and thrive in safe, inclusive, accepting schools. 

4. Supportive student-led clubs and GSAs, because student leaders are integral to creating community and pushing for change. 

* Call: 212-727-0135 *

  Mailing Address:  4244 Madison Ave, #108
                                         New York, NY 10016

"Our blog features impactful articles, useful guidance, and first-person stories told by LGBTQ students and community members. Whether it’s an inclusive lesson plan, a celebration of pride, or a moving op-ed from a member of our National Student Council, GLSEN’s blog is a resource for anyone looking to make schools safer and more inclusive for LGBTQ youth."                                                                                                                                                            Check out GLSEN's blog here:

Learn more

=In order to be featured in the monthly newsletter, be sure to attend classes at least 80% of school days during the month.